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Am I aiming where I think I'm aiming?
As you know, a great question invites effective self-coaching. Implicit in this question is the difference between perception and...

Dispersion tracking
There are some habits which have a deceptively powerful affect on your behaviours. Dispersion tracking is a 1 min doodle on the back of...

What did I miss?
There is a brief moment on the green which occurs several times a round for 99.99% of golfers, but is only used effectively by a small...

The spot
On breaking putts, identify a point 2 feet in front of the ball over which the ball needs to roll at perfect pace. To hole a putt of over...

Perfect pace pat
If your tendency is to lag putts short or dead weight, over the course of the year this alone could separate you from your current and...

Decision line
This is closely linked to the theme of clear intention, but is a simply mental strategy to ensure you don't find yourself about to hit...

Tagging - post shot learning
The human brain is notoriously poor at recording averages. We tend to notice the emotional highs and lows of the great and the awful....
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